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To enlarge the price list, please click on the picture
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Erleben Sie Ihre ersten Flugversuche im modernen Ausbildungshelikopter Cabri G2 more
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After a theoretical introduction to the function and control of the helicopter, you will take off together with an experienced flight instructor and experience helicopter flying at first hand.
And the best thing is that you can get full credit for the taster flying hours when you train later.
You will experience this flight in a 2-seater helicopter with a certified flight instructor.
WICHTIG: Schnupperflüge auf dem Cabri G2 sind nicht möglich, sollte der Flugschüler oder die Flugschülerin mehr als 95 Kilogramm wiegen.
Heavier persons (up to 136kg) fly with the Robinson R44.
40 Minuten CHF 680.- → zum Shop
50 Minuten CHF 840.- → zum Shop
60 Minuten CHF 1000.- → zum Shop
90 Minuten CHF 1480.- → zum Shop
Share the experience of piloting the helicopter yourself with your friends more
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After a theoretical introduction to the function and control of the helicopter, you will take off together with an experienced flight instructor and experience helicopter flying at first hand.
And the best thing is that you can get full credit for the taster flying hours when you train later.
Experience this flight in a 4-seater helicopter with a certified flight instructor and alternatively with up to 2 other flight students or passengers.
IMPORTANT: Trial flights on the Robinson R44 are not possible if the student pilot weighs more than 136 kg. weigh more than 136 kilograms.
40 Minuten CHF 1160.- → zum Shop
50 Minuten CHF 1440.- → zum Shop
60 Minuten CHF 1720.- → zum Shop
90 Minuten CHF 2560.- → zum Shop
Pilotieren Sie mit Ihrer privaten Gruppe den modernen Airbus H120. more
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After a theoretical introduction to the function and control of the helicopter, you will take off together with an experienced flight instructor and experience helicopter flying at first hand.
And the best thing is that you can get full credit for the taster flying hours when you train later.
Diesen Flug erleben Sie in einem 5-plätzigen Helikopter mit einem zertifizierten Fluglehrer sowie alternativ mit bis zu 3 weiteren Flugschülern oder Passagieren.
40 Minuten CHF 1640.- → zum Shop
50 Minuten CHF 2040.- → zum Shop
60 Minuten CHF 2440.- → zum Shop
90 Minuten CHF 3640.- → zum Shop
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format upper element create_captionContainer
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